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TTRockstars and NumBots

Knowledge, quick recall, and application of multiplication and associated division facts are important for building confidence in Mathematics. This is developed through regular and conscientious practise. 

At Springdale, we use TTRockstars and NumBots to add a little fun to learning our times tables. These are online platforms that provide students and teachers with a number of different ways to practise their times tables and number facts in order to build speed and fluency.

Multiplication Tables Check

In Year 4, children will be tested on all of their times tables (multiplication only) and will need to answer each question within 6 seconds before the test moves on to the next question. This test is called the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). A similar version of the test can be found in TTRockstars called the ‘Sound Check’.

We strongly recommend that children are constantly rehearsing their times tables to build speed, fluency and confidence with them. This is best done in any arena besides ‘Jamming’ as ‘Jamming’ does not have a time setting so does not challenge children to build speed.

When children are first introduced to a new times table, 'Jamming' is a safe place for children to build up knowledge of this times table without the added pressure of a timer. Once children are developing confidence, they should then start practising the times table in 'Garage' where the teacher will have set the correct multiplication fact for the children to learn.

Maths Rockstars

At Springdale, we understand the importance of building children’s confidence with Mathematics. A major part of this is developing their speed and fluency with basic number facts. In order to achieve this, we have constructed a number facts progression called ‘Maths Rockstars’. This will work alongside NumBots and TTRockstars which are our online learning platforms. 

Maths Rockstars works in ‘Challenges’, building up their speed and fluency of simple additions before moving onto multiplication and division facts. Children are given a set time to complete their worksheet. The worksheet has three sections: I know these, I can do these and I am learning these. 

Once children have ‘mastered’ each worksheet, they will progress to the next challenge. ‘Mastered’ refers to children answering all questions correct in the time frame given. The children have 4 minutes to answer the sheet.

The ‘Steps’ children need to achieve at the end of each academic year are listed below:

Year 1 – Step 6

Year 2 – Step 12

Year 3 – Step 18

Year 4 – Step 28

Once a child reaches their year group’s end level, they will then complete ‘Maths Rockstar challenges’. These combine together facts from the previous levels they have completed. Once these challenges have been completed, the children's knowledge will be deepened through further tasks with varied representations.

Our weekly sheets will be sent home to allow families to see how children have progressed each week. It is recommended that children are given time to rehearse these key facts. We use TT Rockstars as our main source to practise on and children should be playing for 5 minutes, three times a week. We strongly recommend that children constantly revise learnt Rockstar facts, not just the Steps they are on, to ensure retention.